Friday, January 11, 2008

Blog Post #2-"Swollen Foot" swollen thoughts

After reading Oedipus Rex I have walked away with new ideas and inquires. The thought of fate being so powerful and inescapable is facinating. No matter what he, or his mother for that matter did could have done would have allowed him to escape his fate. The more that Iocasta or Oedipus tried to change thier fate, the closer they became to fulfilling the oracle. Reading Oedipus Rex brought about the realiztion that no matter what I do, I cannot control what is going to happen. I have no control over my fate that has been pre-determined. This play affirmed my beleif that everything happens for a reason. Even at a time when something is going terribly wrong, or I don't understand why it would be neccessary, I remind myself that for some reason, this event has to happen and needs to happen. Oedipus was fated, so I suppose had to kill his father and sleep with his mother. It happened, and though it was awful, it happened for a reason.

1 comment:

St. Francis said...

I also believe that Oedipus's fate was out of his hands. It is really weird to think about how while his told fate was to kill his father and marry his mother, it was also probably part of his fate too. Or that no matter what you try to do to change your future you can't, and that it may in the end just leading you back to where you don't want to be. CRAZY!!!!!!